Crew Scheduling: Configure Rotation Types
For assets with regular crew rotations, rotation types can define the length of time your crew will be scheduled to work and can be used to forecast schedules. They can be assigned to crew member, to an asset, or to both. When you create a rotation type, you define the number of days the crew will be crewed on and crewed off the asset.
Keep the following in mind:
- If a crew member has a rotation type on their profile, it will be used to forecast their schedules.
- If a crew member DOES NOT have a rotation type on their profile, then the rotation type of their assigned asset will be used to forecast their schedules.
- If a crew member has NEITHER a rotation type on their profile NOR an assigned asset with a rotation type, it won't be possible to forecast their schedules more than one day in advance.
To create a rotation type
- Go to the Setup > Personnel > Rotation Types tab.
- Click New Rotation Type.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the rotation type, for example, "14/7 Rotation."
- Use the Days On and Days Off fields to enter the number of days the crew will be crewed on and off during the rotation, for example, 14 on and 7 off.
- Click Save Changes.
To assign a rotation type to a crew member
- Go to the Management > People > People tab.
- Select a crew member then click the Details sub tab.
- Click Edit.
- In the Personnel section, use the Rotation Type list to select the rotation type you want to assign to the crew member.
- Click Save.
Note This crew member’s schedules will now be forecasted based on the rotation type you assigned to them.
To assign a rotation type to an asset
- Go to the Management > Assets > Assets tab.
- Select an asset then click the Details sub tab.
- Click Edit.
- In the Personnel section, use the Rotation Type list to select the rotation type you want to assign to the asset.
- Click Save.
Note Any crew members who are assigned to this asset but who don't have a rotation type assigned to them directly, will now have their schedules forecasted based on the rotation type you assigned to this asset.