Helm CONNECT Certified Administrator Course - Helm CONNECT Compliance
If it's been challenging to get your Helm CONNECT administrators trained and fully operational in Helm CONNECT Compliance, let us help.
Our Certified Administrator course for Helm CONNECT Compliance will turn your Helm CONNECT administrators into Helm CONNECT experts.
Your Commitment
- 10 hours for one week
- 4 x 2.5-hour sessions
- Start time 7:30 AM Pacific Time
- Complete a test for certification
Course Content
- Introduction to Helm CONNECT Compliance
- Managing your Assets
- Building and Editing Form and Audit Templates
- Managing Document Library
- Understanding Corrective Actions
- Understanding Tasks and Unplanned Maintenance
- Managing People
- Installing Helm CONNECT Onboard
- Building Reports
- Mastering Crew Workflows
- Mastering Shoreside Workflows
Certifications are valid for three years with three renewal options:
- Retake the course
- Attend a Helm Conference training day
- Challenge the exam
NoteCertifications should be renewed within one year of the expiry date.
More Information
Are you ready to become certified? Please download the brochure and contact us for course dates or to register.