Compliance Pro: Updates to the Forms Dashboard
We’re thrilled to announce a major update to our Forms dashboard in Compliance Pro, making it easier than ever to track drills and recurring forms. Here’s a quick overview of the Forms dashboard to help you get started.
Key Features
Controls and Filters at the top
The filters at the top of the dashboard allow you to select the data you want to view within a specific time frame.
- Divisions: This is based on your division structure in Helm CONNECT. Users will be filtered to their assigned division within the platform and only be able to see divisions above and below their assigned division. Clicking a child division by default will also include the parent division. When viewing crew, the filter will control the people in the dashboard. When viewing assets, the filter will control the assets in the dashboard.
- Forms: The Forms dashboard is pre-configured to show all forms with at least one value added to a field configured to “Generate Personnel Record”. Use this filter to narrow down the data by selecting the name of one or more specific forms.
- Asset: Use this filter to narrow down the data by selecting one or more specific assets. This filter does not affect the crew visuals.
- Position: Use this filter to narrow down the data by selecting one or more specific positions. This filter does not affect the asset visuals.
- Last X Days: Use this filter to select the time frame (15, 30, 45, 60, or 90 days) that you're interested in viewing.
- Merge Forms: This small but mighty button will collapse all the selected forms into one. For example, if you have filtered to three forms and then click Merge Forms, the dashboard will consider the completion % as the asset or crew having done at least one of the three forms. The use case here is if you’ve configured multiple templates for the same drill (for example, A-Crew Drill and B-Crew Drill) and want to see who has or hasn’t done a drill, regardless of the crew. Click Split Forms to split the forms again.
Use the CREW vs ASSETS toggle to quickly switch the visuals between completions by crew or completions by asset.
Crew Visuals
- Crew Completion %: This bar chart shows the percentage of crew members who have completed a specific drill within the selected time frame.
- Crew Breakdown: This detailed list shows individual crew members and whether they have completed the selected drill.
Asset Visuals
- Asset Completion %: This bar chart shows the percentage of assets that have completed a specific drill within the selected time frame.
- Asset Breakdown: This detailed list shows individual assets and whether they have completed the selected drill.
Form Matrix
Use the Forms Matrix to see your completions or exceptions broken out over the past twelve months.
Use the Dashboard
How to use the dashboard
- Use the filters at the top of the dashboard to narrow down the data to the specific crew positions, forms, or assets you want to view.
- Use the Last X Days filter to select the time frame you want to view.
- Use the CREW vs ASSETS toggle to switch between the crew or asset visuals.
- If you clicked CREW in step 3, do the following:
- Use the Crew Completion % bar chart on the left to see overall completion percentages.
- Use the Crew Breakdown list on the right to see who has or hasn’t completed the selected form.
- Click on a specific form to filter the Crew Breakdown list.
- If you clicked ASSET in step 3, do the following:
- Use the Asset % Completed bar chart on the left to see overall completion percentages.
- Use the Asset Completions list on the right to see which assets have or have not completed the selected form.
- Click on a specific form to filter the Asset Completions list.
- Display the additional filters on the right of the dashboard, and use the Latest Activity filter to exclude assets currently in specific activities.
Notes on the Data Presented
- To determine if a given asset or crew member should have done the form (the Not Completed rows), the Forms dashboard takes the division of the form template and all child divisions. This means an active asset or person at any division or below will be “assigned” that form. Future improvements to the dashboard may allow for more tailoring of these assignments.
- The Forms dashboard uses the names entered into fields configured to "Generate Personnel Record" to determine if a crew member has "attended" a form. It does not use the names of crew members who have submitted or approved a form.