How do I request a missing ship?
If the ship you need isn’t on the Ship list on the Jobs > Dispatch > Trips tab, you can quickly submit a request for the missing ship without having to stop working.
TipWatch a recording of the Request Manager advanced training session.
To request a missing ship
- In the Ship list, search for the name of the ship you want to add.
- If the ship you want isn’t on the list, click Add New.
NoteYou won’t see the Add New link if you don’t have permission to request ships. Please get in touch with your system administrator if you have questions about your role-based permissions.
- In the New Ship window, complete the Name field and as many other details as possible about the ship.
- Click Save to submit your request. You can now use the ship you requested to continue working.
NoteUntil someone with permission to approve ships has approved your request, it will display with a small “Req” label beside its name.