Requisitions – Requisitions for non-inventory items
Use Requisitions to request inventory and non-inventory parts.
To build a new requisition manually
- From the Onboard menu, select Requisitions.
- Click the Requisitions tab.
- Click New Request.
- Enter the requisition header details:
- Near the top of the tab, enter a description for the requisition.
- Select your name from the Created By field.
- (Optional) Use the Space field to say which space the requested items are for.
- (Optional) Use the Default Vendor field to set the vendor for each new item you add to this requisition. This won't override the vendor for any items you've already added, and won't prevent you from changing the vendor on any of your items later.
- Set a priority for the requisition. Yellow is the lowest priority and red is the highest.
Note The priority you set for the requisition will apply to all the items in the requisition.
- (Optional) In the Responsible Parties field, select one or more people to notify when you submit the requisition.
- (Optional) Use the Due Date field to say when the requisition is due. This date will apply to each the item in the requisition.
- (Optional) Use the Linked Item field to link this requisition to an open inspection, maintenance routine, inventory count, form, task, or corrective action.
- To add a new line item:
- Click Add Line Item. Each line item can be for a part or labor. You can switch between the two by clicking the Switch to Labor or Switch to Part icons.
- Select a part from the Part list. This list is based on the parts list created on shore.
- (Optional) If the part you want isn't in the Part list, use the Description field to describe the one you want.
- For labor items, use the Labor Description field to indicate the type of labor required.
- (Optional) Use the Vendor field to select a vendor for this item. If you selected a default vendor for the requisition, this field may already be filled in. If so, you can leave the vendor or select a different one.
- Use the Qty field to say how many items you need or how many hours of labor will be required.
- (Optional) Use the Est Price/Unit or Est Price/Hour field to enter an estimated price per unit for parts or labor, respectively. If you selected a vendor or default vendor with an existing price contract in the system, this field will already be filled in. If so, you can leave the estimated price or enter a different one.
- (Optional) Select a component from the Component list. This list is based on your asset's components.
- (Optional) Use the Edit notes and Edit attachments icons to add a note or a photo of the item you want. Shore will be able to see and respond to any notes or photos you add.
- (Optional) To delete a line item, click the small red X icon to the right of it.
- (Optional) To change the order of a line item, click the Move Up or Move Down arrows above the Vendor field.
- To save your work, click Save.