Template categories and items
Templates contain lists of instructions and activities that you want your crew to perform. The sections below describe the different options you can choose from when adding these items to a new template. Keep in mind that some items aren't available for some types of templates.
Template categories
Categories are simply a way to group the items in a template. We have two types of categories: category and approval. Each template must have at least one category.
Category (available for Inspections, Maintenance, Inventory, Forms, Audits)
This is the basic category. Drag as many as you need onto a template, then drag the items you need onto each category.
Grouped Category (Maintenance)
A grouped category item is used only in maintenance templates and simplifies the task of recording running hours in your maintenance routines by allowing your crews to apply one set of hours to all the components in a group, instead of entering the hours for each component individually. For more information, check out this article.
Approval (Inspections, Forms)
Approval categories are available in inspections and forms, but they differ slightly between the two template types:
- Inspections approvals An inspection can only contain one approval category. By default, an approval added to an inspection template will contain a single Done item. However, you can delete that item from the approval category, or drag in additional ones. You must also select the space in Logs where you want the approval to be completed. Once the inspection or survey has been finished, it will move to the selected space to wait for approval.
- Forms approvals A form can contain multiple approval categories. Once you drag an approval category onto a forms template, you can then drag the items you want onto the approval. You must also either select a space in Onboard > Logs where you want the approval to be completed, or Shore. You can also assign an approval role, which means only users who are assigned that role can approve that section of the form. Once the form has been finished, it will move to the selected space or, if you selected Shore, to the Compliance > Forms > Submitted tab to wait for approval.
Template items
Template items are the instructions and activities you want your crew to perform. Remember, not every item type is available for all template types.
Audit Item (Audits)
Users must select from four standard responses: Conforming, Non-conforming, Not Audited, or N/A. If they select Non-conforming, they will be required to add a finding.
Crew Selection (Inspections, Maintenance, Forms, Audits)
Users must select a name or names from a list of your company's active employees. This item could be used to take attendance at a meeting or a training session.
With Forms templates, you have two additional options for the Crew Selection item:
- You can configure the list to be single-select (only one response allowed) or multi-select (multiple responses allowed).
- You can choose whether or not the item should add a record of attendance to each selected crew member's personnel record.
Cumulative Reading (Maintenance)
Users must record the cumulative reading value for a selected component.
Custom Dropdown (Forms)
Create your own list of custom responses for users to choose from. You can configure the list to be single-select (only one response allowed) or multi-select (multiple responses allowed).
Date (Inspections, Forms, Audits)
Users must select a date from the calendar for the specified item.
Done (Inspections, Maintenance, Forms, Audits)
Users must select a check box to indicate they've completed the task or activity you describe.
Dropdown (Forms)
Create a list based on your company's assets, locations, divisions, or positions. You can configure the list to be single-select (only one response allowed) or multi-select (multiple responses allowed).
Enter a description (Inspections, Maintenance, Forms, Audits)
Users must enter a description of the item you specify.
Fail | Pass (Inspections, Maintenance, Forms)
Users must select Fail or Pass. If they select Fail, they'll be prompted to create a new task.
Field (Inspections)
Enter a description of an item you want users to count. If you include a minimum and maximum threshold for the item (optional), any values above or below the threshold will be considered "out of spec" and will prompt the user to create a new task.
Instruction (Inspections, Maintenance, Inventory, Forms, Audits)
Enter an instruction for users to follow.
Inventory (Inventory)
Select an inventory item from your list of parts for your crew to count.
No | Yes | N/A (Inspections, Maintenance, Forms)
Users must select No, Yes, or N/A. If they select No, the item will fail and they'll be prompted to create a task.
Numeric (Forms)
Users must enter a numeric value for the specified item. Unlike the Field item in Inspections templates, you don't set a minimum and maximum value for this item, and users won't be prompted to create a task.
Part Usage (Inspections, Maintenance, Forms)
Users must enter a part quantity if the field is required. Before you can use this item in the template, you have to select an asset in the header. Parts also have to exist in Setup > Parts before you can select one here.
Radio Buttons (Forms)
Create a set of options for users to choose from. Users can only select one option.
Reading (Maintenance)
If you add this item, users must record a reading for a selected component. If you include a minimum and maximum threshold for the reading, any readings above or below the threshold will be considered "out of spec" and will be displayed on that asset's card on the Maintenance > Overview > Overview tab.
Replaced |Ok (Maintenance)
Users must select Replaced or Ok. If they select Replaced, the Replace Component window will display, and they must indicate the date and time they replaced the component. They will also have the option to update the make, model, part, and serial number for the component. This will replace the component in the system and reset any accumulated readings back to zero.
Time (Forms)
Users must enter the time for the specified item.
Update Certification (Forms)
Users must select which certification they're updating and enter a number of days until expiry. The certification type must exist in the system before you can select it here.