Manage your overdue checklists and forms
Helm CONNECT simplifies managing due dates and helps put you in control of your overdue maintenance and compliance items.
Simplified due dates for new templates
When you build a new template, the system calculates all missed copies of the template that occurred since the effective date. For example, if today is July 24 and you publish a new daily inspection template with an effective date of July 1, the system will immediately calculate all the missed inspections since July 1. If you don't want all those missed inspections to stack up, simply choose an effective date that's the same as or closer to the current date. Keep in mind that you'll still see only the earliest or most overdue item in your To Do list, but trust us, the other ones are there!
Finish overdue checklists and forms
You have the option to finish overdue maintenance routines, inspections, inventory counts, or forms. Let's say one of your checklists wasn't finished on time. If you complete the checklist at a later date, then click Finish Now, you can choose the period that you missed. Keep in mind, however, that this feature applies only to checklists and forms with schedules based on the effective date, not on the last completed date.
Note If the period you select is not the oldest one, you'll be prompted to omit any older unfinished items.
Omit overdue checklists and forms
If you have to miss some regular maintenance or compliance work—perhaps due to dry dock or some downtime—you can omit the items you couldn't complete. To keep you in compliance, each omitted item will display in history with the reason it wasn't completed.
As with finishing overdue items, omitting items is available only for checklists and forms with schedules based on the effective date, not on the last completed date. For items that can be omitted, you'll see the Omit button above the checklist, beside the Finish Now button. For items that can't be omitted, the button will stay hidden.
When you click Omit, you can choose the period of the item you want to omit by selecting it from the "Period to omit" list. The period is simply the range of time in which an item was due. We always display the oldest (most overdue) period by default.
If you have more than one item to omit, you can omit them either one at a time, in chronological order, or you can omit up to 100 periods at once. If you omit multiple items at once, which you can do by selecting a period that's not the oldest, a second window displays, and you'll need to check a confirmation check box before you can click Finish Now or Omit. Default text, which you can edit, displays automatically in the "Reason for omissions" field and will appear in history for all the items listed in the "Omitted periods" list. All omitted items will be recorded individually in history.