Send email notifications about notes on corrective actions
When you add new notes on the Notes tab in the Update Corrective Action window, you can use the Notify field to send an email notification about that note to the selected users.
Keep the following things in mind:
- Only active employees with Can Log In selected on their profile will be listed in the Notify field.
- If you have unsaved changes on other tabs in the Update Corrective Action window, you'll see a warning that those changes will be saved when you click Post and Notify.
- Anyone whose name was selected in the Assignee field on the Corrective Action tab and who has Can Log In selected on their profile will appear automatically in the Notify field on the Notes tab. If you don't want that user to receive a notification, you must manually remove their name from the Notify field.
- You can't notify someone about a note from the Add Corrective Action window. You must first create and save the corrective action, then open it in the Update Corrective Action window to have the option to notify someone.
You must have the Send Corrective Action Note Notifications permission to see the Notify field on the Notes tab in the Update Corrective Action window and send email notifications about notes.