Account types allow you to control where each account is available in the system:
- Customer accounts show in the Customer list on the order.
- Agent accounts show in the Agent list on the order.
- Competitor accounts show in the Awarded To list on the order with the accounts that belong to your own companies.
If you wanted to combine two accounts into one account type, you could create a custom account type called “Customer & Agent”.
In some cases you may also want to create an account type that do not need to show up in any of these places. This could be a tax authority that would never be a customer but for whom you may need to create an AP account.
The Companies tab lists your company accounts.
You can create a new company and create multiple accounts for it. You can specify if a company is your own, which can be used to determine if an order is internal and when determining which orders are awarded to your own company.
You can create multiple accounts for the same company and give each account a different name. The account type determines where the account can be used. Accounts receivable (AR) accounts can be used for AR transaction types and accounts payable (AP) accounts can be used for AP transaction types. If an account has the same account number in your accounting system for both AR and AP you can use the same account for both, otherwise you would need to create separate accounts. Blocking an account will warn the dispatcher when using that account as a customer on an order. It will still allow the order to be created, however it will block the billing person from calculating billing for that account.
The division for the account controls where the account is available to use. On orders accounts belonging to the order’s division and accounts belonging to parent divisions are available. For contract commissions account belonging to the division of the contract account or accounts belonging to child divisions of that division are available.
You can add multiple addresses for the same account. Each address can be given one or more default areas. This will default the bill to address when this account is used as the bill to on an order in that area. Each address can also be given one or more email addresses. If this address is the bill to address on a transaction you can the email functionality will email the transaction to the email addresses specified.
Watch the video
Watch this video to see how to add companies to Helm CONNECT: