Once you've set up the roles and positions you need, you're ready to add users to Helm CONNECT.
Add a user
To add a user, follow these steps:
- From the Setup menu, select Users.
- Click the Users tab.
- Click New User.
- (Optional) Select the Can Log In check box.
If you select this check box, the user will be able to use their own email and password to log in to Helm CONNECT. Once you finish adding this user and save your changes, an account activation email with instructions for setting up a new Helm CONNECT password will be sent to the email address you provide below.
- Enter details about the user:
- First and last name
- (Optional) Middle name, preferred name, and suffix
- Default division
- Secondary divisions
Note You must assign everyone in the system to a default division. However, if a user can log in to Helm CONNECT, then you also have the option to assign them to one or more secondary divisions.
- Email address
Note If a user can log in to Helm CONNECT, then you must enter a valid email address for them.
- (Optional) Select the Active Employee check box.
If you select this check box, the user's name will be available throughout the system.
Important NoteAn active employee's assigned division and position will affect whether or not their name appears in some lists.
- (Optional) To allow a person who can log in to log in to a local installation on an asset configured for multi-user sign on, select the Can Log In To Asset check box.
If you select this check box, the user will be able to use their own email and password to log in to a local installation of Helm CONNECT.
- (Optional) To limit a person to seeing information only for the asset they are assigned to when logging in to the system on shore, select the Limit to Assigned Asset check box.
If you select this option, you would then need to assign the person to an asset in Management > People or Management > Assets.
Note This feature does not currently apply to any items associated with Helm CONNECT Jobs or Helm CONNECT Personnel.
- Select or clear the Active Employee check box.
- When you're finished, click Save Changes.
More about user options
When adding users, keep the following in mind.
Can Log In
You can allow someone to log in to Helm CONNECT with their own email and password by selecting the Can Log In check box. Once you save the changes, an account activation email with instructions for setting up a new Helm CONNECT password will be sent to the email address you provided for that user.
Can Log In To Asset
If your company uses multi-user sign on for its installations, then you must indicate who is allowed to log in to the installed versions of Helm CONNECT by selecting both the Can Log In and Can Log In To Asset check boxes.
Note The Can Log In To Asset check box won't be visible unless you've already selected the Can Log In check box.
Default Division
You must assign all users to a default division. This controls the data each user can access when logging in.
Note If your company only has one division, all your assets and personnel will automatically be assigned to it.
Secondary Divisions
If a user can log in, you also have the option to assign them to one or more secondary divisions.
Note The Secondary Divisions field won't be visible unless you've already selected the Can Log In check box.
Active Employees
You can make someone an active employee by selecting the Active Employee check box. If you no longer want them to be an active employee, simply clear the Active Employee check box. The names of active employees are available throughout the system. Active employees who can also log in can be selected as responsible parties.
Important NoteAn active employee's assigned division and position will affect whether or not their name appears in some lists.
Limit to Assigned Asset
You have the option to assign a user to a specific asset and then limit that user to accessing information only for that asset when logging in to Helm CONNECT on shore. If assigned and limited to a specific asset, a user will only be able to access maintenance and compliance information related to that asset from the Onboard menu items. This feature does not affect a user's ability to log in to any local installation they have permission to access.
For this feature to work as expected, all of the following conditions must apply:
- The user can log in to Helm CONNECT with their own email and password.
- The user's default division is above, the same as, or below the division of the asset, but not in a different divisional branch.
- The user's role provides permission to access only the items on the Onboard menu.
For more about limiting users to assigned assets, check out this article.
Anyone who can log in to Helm CONNECT must be assigned at least one role.
Watch the video
Watch this video to see how to add users to Helm CONNECT: