Divisions help you control the data your users can access in Helm CONNECT. All your users, personnel, and assets must belong to a division.
Divisional structure
When we created your Helm CONNECT account, we set up a single division known as your "root" division. For some companies, this single division is all that's necessary. If your company needs a more complex structure, you can add more divisions on the Setup > Operations > Divisions tab. You can also use this tab to rename your divisions or arrange them into a hierarchy if you want one division to be the subsidiary or child of another one. To position one division as the parent of another, select the name of the parent division from the Parent list.
NoteIf your company only has one division, all your assets and personnel will automatically be assigned to it.
ExampleEdoc Marine Services has a root division called EMS and three subsidiary divisions, each with its own ports. In this example, EMS is the parent of Div A, Div B, and Div C, and Div A is the parent of Port A1 and Port A2.
Divisional security
Divisions control the data your users can see in Helm CONNECT, including any information related to assets, personnel, and other users.
Most of Helm CONNECT uses "up/down" divisional security. This means users can only see information in their own division, as well as information in the divisions above (up) and the divisions below (down) their division.
ExampleAt EMS, if Oliver is assigned to Div B, he sees any assets or personnel assigned to Div B, as well as to Ports B1, B2, and B3 (down.) He also sees any assets or personnel assigned to EMS (up.) However, he doesn't see anything or anyone in Div A or Div C, or in any of the ports below them.
Create a new division
To create a new division
- Go to the Setup > Operations > Divisions tab.
- Click New Division.
- Enter the division details:
- In the Name field, enter a name for the new division.
- (Optional) In the Short Name field, enter a short name for the new division.
- (Optional) From the Parent list, select a parent division for the new division.
- (Optional) In the External System Code field, enter the required information.
- (Optional) In the Accounting Code field, enter the required information.
- When you're finished, click Save Changes.
Watch the video
Watch this video to see how to set up divisions in Helm CONNECT: