Manage your history searches
In Helm CONNECT Maintenance and Helm CONNECT Compliance, the work you perform on your assets becomes part of history. From the various History tabs, you can search the records of everything from completed inspections, maintenance routines, and inventory counts to finished tasks and corrective actions.
We provide two types of tools to help you manage all this data and quickly find the items you're looking for: filters and text searches.
Filters help you reduce the amount of data you're looking at. For example, you could use a date filter to display only the information from a particular date range. You'll find a collection of filters at the top of each History tab. They can be in the form of lists or a check boxes, and will vary depending on which tab you're viewing.
To use filters, simply select the ones you want then click the Apply Filters button to start your search. You can apply more than one filter at once, but applying too many could prevent the system from finding any results that meet all your search conditions.
NOTE Depending on your screen resolution, especially on tabs with a large number of filters, you might not see all the available filters. To display all filters, click Show all filters. To hide all filters except the ones in the first row, click Hide filters.
Text searches
Text searches are a powerful tool for finding specific items in your history. Each text search parameter has its own search field, and each text search field searches a single, specific column on that tab. Text search fields are grouped together and separated from the filter fields to keep things tidy. To apply any text search terms, click the Apply Filters button.
Types of text searches
There are two types of text searches: exact search and broad search:
- Exact searches: In an exact text search, Helm CONNECT looks for your search term starting at the beginning of the column you're searching. Exact searches are faster than broad searches and work best when you know the exact term you're looking for.
If you enter the term 'engine' in the Component search field, the system looks for that term starting from the beginning of the text in the column. You'll find 'Engine, Port Main' but not 'Port Main Engine' because 'engine' isn't at the beginning of the column text.
- Broad searches: In a broad text search, Helm CONNECT looks for your search term anywhere within the text in the column you're searching. Although broad searches can be a bit slower than exact searches, they're useful when you're not sure exactly where your search term might appear. To make a broad search faster, you can apply additional filters and/or use the date pickers to select a smaller date range. This will help reduce and target the search results. Broad searches are the default search option.
If you enter the term 'engine' in the Component search field, you'll find 'Engine, Port Main,' 'Port Main Engine,' and any other items with 'engine' anywhere in the column text.
Use multiple search terms
You can enter more than one word or term in a text search field. Exact text searches will look for all of your search terms in the order you typed them from the beginning of the column text being searched. Broad text searches will look for all of your search terms anywhere in the column text being searched.
Search a single field or multiple fields
You can either search just one text field or multiple fields at the same time. Here are some examples:
- Exact search in a single field: If you enter the term 'log' in the Item search field, you'll find all items that contain 'log' at the beginning of the Item column text.
- Exact search in multiple fields: If you enter the term 'log' in the Item search field and 'engine' in the Component field, you'll find all items that contain 'log' at the beginning the Item column text AND 'engine' at the beginning of the Component column text.
- Broad search in a single field: If you enter the term 'log' in the Item search field, you'll find all items that contain 'log' within the Item column text.
- Broad search in multiple fields: If you enter the term 'log' in the Item search field and 'engine' in the Component field, you'll find all items that contain both 'log' anywhere in the Item column text AND 'engine' anywhere in the Component column text.
Combine filters and text searches
If you have lots of data, combining filters and text searches can narrow your search results and help you find what you are looking for more quickly. Here are some examples:
- Exact search with a filter: If you select an asset name in the Asset filter then type 'engine' in the Component search field, you'll find all items with 'engine' at the beginning of the Component column text for the specific asset you selected.
- Broad search with a filter: If you select an asset name in the Asset filter then type 'engine' in the Component search field, you'll find all items with 'engine' anywhere in the Component column for the specific asset that you selected.