Require individuals to acknowledge documents
If you have Helm CONNECT Compliance or Helm CONNECT Maintenance plus the Documents module, you can configure whether a published document needs to be acknowledged by an asset or by an individual.
The individual acknowledgment feature is available for both Helm CONNECT on shore and for local installations configured to use multi-user sign on. Local installations configured to use shared sign on can only acknowledge documents by asset.
How to acknowledge a document as an individual
- Go to either Onboard > Documents or Compliance > Documents.
- Look on the Library tab. If a document requires you to acknowledge it, you will see a red and white 'i' icon. Documents that have already been acknowledged will have a green check mark icon.
- Select the document to view it in more detail. You can either read it on the screen or print a hard copy to read.
- When you're ready, in the document detail page, click the Acknowledge button.
- Read the confirmation message, then click Acknowledge again.
Note Once you've acknowledged a document, the Acknowledge button will become unavailable.
- Click Return to go back to the Library tab. There will now be a green check mark to show that the document was acknowledged.
More about this feature
- Only users who are active employees and have "Can Log In" and either "Can Log In To Shore" or "Can Log In To Asset" on their profile can acknowledge a document as an individual.
- Users who have "Can Log In To Asset" on their profile can access the Onboard > Documents menu for that asset from either the asset installation or from shore.
- Users can acknowledge documents as individuals only from Helm CONNECT on shore or from assets with a local installation configured for multi-user sign.
- Only users in the same division where the document was published or below can view and acknowledge the document.
How to configure a document for individual acknowledgment
Users need permission to use the Compliance > Documents > Document Control tab in order to configure documents to require individual acknowledgment.
- Go to the Compliance > Documents > Document Control tab.
- From the list, select an existing document or add a new one.
- In the document header, from the Acknowledgment list, select By individual.
If you configure a document to be acknowledged by individual and publish it to an asset with a local installation configured for shared sign on, nobody on that asset will be able to acknowledge that document. An asset must either have a local installation configured for multi-user sign on or be using an internet connection to access Helm CONNECT on shore to allow users to acknowledge the document individually.
- Click Publish.
More about this feature
- You must define separate document acknowledgment requirements for each document. The acknowledgment settings for one document don't carry over to any other documents.
- Users must be in the same division where the document is published or below to see and acknowledge the document.
View individual document acknowledgment status
Admin staff on shore who have permission can view a list of users who have acknowledged a published document configured to require acknowledgment by individual.
- Go to the Compliance > Documents > Document Control tab.
- Click the required document.
- Click the Individual acknowledgment status icon in the header.
- In the Individual acknowledgment status window, from the Version list, select the document version you want to check.
If there are no versions that require Individual acknowledgment, a notification will be displayed.
- When you're finished reviewing the status, click outside the status window to return to the document detail view.
More about this feature
- The "Individual acknowledgment status" window lists the users who are currently able to acknowledge the document. Appearing in this list depends on each user's division and ability to log in but isn't affected by which asset they're assigned to. If a document requires acknowledgment by individual but is only published to one asset, all the users who are either in the same division as the asset or below will appear in list.
- If a user becomes an inactive employee, they will no longer appear in any acknowledgment status list, including any for documents that they previously acknowledged. To check the document acknowledgment status for an inactive employee, you can temporarily set them to 'active' and review their status on any document they would have had access to.
- If a user has logged in but hasn't acknowledged the document, a red X is displayed in the Acknowledged column.
- If a user has logged in and has acknowledged the document, a green check mark is displayed in the Acknowledged column.